COR3 returns to League of Legends after a period of absence from the title. It’s now time to return to the popular MOBA game. The last time COR3 was represented in the Good Game League with a League of Legends team was in the Spring season of 2023. That season ended with a 4th place in the 3rd division, marked by player changes, unpredictability, and underperformance. Now, the course is being corrected, and we are ready to establish ourselves within Norwegian League of Legends.
Former Players Returns
Those who followed the team that played League of Legends for COR3 last year will probably recognize some of the players who are set to play. The team captain krizkick has once again taken on the responsibility to ensure results are achieved and is likely not satisfied with how the previous attempt ended. This time, he has a fully Norwegian team ready to steamroll any opponents in their path to the top.
The team lineup consists of experienced players with ambitions for promotion. Since the team did not participate in the Good Game League last season, there’s a possibility that they will start again in the 4th division – but this is not yet decided. The team is registered and will play where they are placed. Their games will be posted in our schedule.
Norway – krizkick – Platinum 2
Norway – Malleu – Master
Norway – Waffelsten – Platinum 1
Norway – Pampi – Diamond 2
Norway – MentalCell – Diamond 4